Hello! I would like to say that I am so excited to be making a blog! This blog is all about my lovely journey into a fully "old and improved" lifestyle, the Very Vintage life style! For me lifestyle includes: Hair, makeup, fashion and travel.
I have researched for years about all things vintage and I think that this blog is going to be a good place to share it all. I am a freshman in high school and yes have only been living for a short period of time, but I have probably watched more movies than my parents combined (and that's a lot)
The secret behind my love of vintage is their values; simplicity. Simplicity is key when it comes to vintage, and to me it's a fantastic new (or old) look on life. Growing up now everything is so complex and fast moving. It's nice to say "Hey, it wasn't always this way!" This way we can relax and enjoy being one of kind women.
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