Ethnicity - Traits, background, up bringing.
Latina Magazine - May 2012
Although what I call the "Very Vintage Head Quarters" is what most people call the computer room its still a head quarters to me. Very Vintage HQ is where I come up with all my ideas and thoughts, Very Vintage HQ is made up of a few people that help contribute to my blog. They each have there own personal style and ethnicity. When people ask "what are you?" they are not talking about your species or what your job is, they are talking about your ethnicity; Cuban, American or German. I used to hate those questions! It was like they were branding me based on where my ancestors were born and brought up in.
As a proud Mexican-American I find it hard to find a good balance in between the two sides of me. I used to feel like everyone, even my family was judging me on how American or how Mexican i was compared to others. I love vintage, and that is based off of American history. I felt weird. For a few months I just tried to collect my thought and decide which side to choose. I was convinced that deciding to be one or the other was the only way to go.
About two months ago i started reading Latina magazine, and in the February issue there was a story that stood out to me. It was called "Habla Espanol?"and it was about how most 2nd and 3rd generation Latinos answered no! And I read it and thought I want to be a good example of both sides of me not just one! So that was it I was on a mission to find out just who I was (am) and how I was going to carry this out.
This months Latina cover shoot was retro themed. Right then and there i decided, I am Maria Monroe! My middle name is maria and i thought it would be perfect! So i now moonlight as a Mexican-American pinup, but only in the safety of my mind. Now i know exactly who I am and my mission is complete!
I hope that all of you can find a balance with yourself and your ethnicity. And a way to bring Very Vintage Life style into it!
So long darlings!
~Maria Monroe~